FixHub Power Station Battery Health Not 100%

Your brand new FixHub Power Station is showing less than 100% battery health.

Note that this page applies only to new FixHub Power Stations, or those who have recently replaced the battery in their device. Batteries are a consumable component, and battery health will degrade with use. You can retain more battery health by limiting the maximum charge in the FixHub settings and not allowing the battery percentage to drop below 20% on a regular basis.

If you find that the FixHub Portable Power Station battery capacity seems inaccurate, you can recalibrate the battery so the percentage of capacity displayed will be accurate. 

The steps to take:

  • Turn on the FixHub PPS using the blue button. 
  • Turn off the switch on the Smart Soldering Iron.
  • Connect it to your computer using the rear USB port.
  • Use a browser that has Web Serial enabled (Firefox and Safari don’t support it at this time)
  • Here is a guide that demonstrates how to connect your FixHub to your computer to use the web console.  
  • You can reset the battery health on the console interface found here: iFixit web console. This link gives complete information on how to perform the reset.
  • Once you have reset the battery health, you should follow this guide to recalibrate your battery. Make sure you follow all the steps you would use for a laptop.