How do I submit a guarantee request?

Is a part or tool from your order not working properly? Got a bent or dull bit? We are here to help! 

Follow the directions below to submit a guarantee request. Please note following all the directions below will expedite the process.

  • Reach out to us by email 
  • Provide us with the Order Number 
    • If acquired from a third party please provide a photo of the kit itself 
  • Full name (for shipping address)
  • Updated shipping address (for us to send the replacement to)
  • Phone number (in case the shipping carrier needs to contact you) 
  • Photos/video of the issue 
    • If the replacement is for a bit or multiple bits please provide a list of the bits needed for the guarantee 
    • If the replacement is for something other than tools please provide detailed information on the issues you are experiencing. This often is best with accompanying photos or videos. From there we can assess the claim.