iPhone - Not Charging

Here are some ideas if your iPhone will not charge:

  • Bad cable connection
    • Check the USB cable for damage and dirt, especially at the ends. Then try using the wall charger, as this will provide greater power input than the computer/USB.
  • Broken charger or USB cord
    • Try using different chargers to see if you may have a problem with your charger or cord.
  • Obstructed/bad charging port
      • Check the dock connector or lightning port at the bottom of the iPhone for dirt, lint, and damaged pins. Clean out the connector very carefully with a toothpick or soft toothbrush. If the port is broken, you will have to replace it.

Please note: An iPhone not charging is not always due to a bad battery/dock connector, but actually a U2 IC failure. How do you resolve the issue?

  1. Prevention 
    1. Don’t use low-quality charge cords, wall cubes, portable batteries and car chargers—like the ones you find at a gas station.
    2. If it doesn’t have the MFI logo, it’s not safe for your device.
  2. If you need your U2 IC repaired, there are shops that can do it for you, the average cost is somewhere around $100, often with a free diagnostic to determine the problem.
    1. Here is a mail-in repair shop which offers this repair: iPad Rehab—they repair more than just iPads.