Holiday hours

If your order is placed or you are trying to contact customer service on or near the dates listed below there is a chance your delivery ETA will be delayed and your response will be slower than usual.

Days off at iFixit Europe

Public Holidays Dates
Neujahr / New Year’ Day Sun, 01.01
Heilige Drei Könige/ Epiphany Fri, 06.01
Karfreitag / Good Friday Date changes
Ostermontag / Easter Monday Date changes
Tag der Arbeit / Labor Day Mon, 01.05
Christi Himmelfahrt/ Ascension Day Date changes
Pfingstmontag / Whit Monday Date changes
Fronleichnam / Corpus Christi Date changes
Tag der deutschen Einheit / Day of German unity Tue, 03.10
Allerheiligen / All Saints' Day Wed, 01.11
Heilig Abend / Christmas Eve Sun, 24.12
Weihnachtsfeiertag / Christmas Day Mon, 25.12
Weihnachtsfeiertag / Boxing Day Tue, 26.12
Silvester / New Year's Eve Sun, 31.12